About the play: Intruders is an adaptation of a new comedy-drama by Benjamin Kunkel. In an apocalyptic world on the verge of ecological collapse, a playwright’s work is disrupted by a chronic infestation of flies, whose frantic, nihilistic buzzing sounds an existential alarm in him and his wife and threatens to destroy their domestic bliss. Through ironic self-reference, the play also interrogates the paradoxical nature of the theater and its relationship to humanity. Performed in English with Spanish subtitles, Intruders is the only contemporary English-language play to premiere in its original language in the Buenos Aires independent theater circuit. It was adapted for the Argentine stage by an international group of artists who collectively translated the script into Spanish, making it accessible to both English and Spanish speaking audiences.

Sobre la obra:
En un mundo apocalíptico al borde del colapso ecológico, el trabajo de un dramaturgo se ve interrumpido por una plaga crónica de moscas cuyo zumbido frenético y nihilista resuena como una alarma existencial en él y su mujer, y amenaza con destruir la calma cotidiana. A través de la autorreferencia irónica, la obra también interroga acerca de la naturaleza paradójica del teatro y su relación con la humanidad. Presentada en inglés con subtítulos en español, Intruders es la única obra contemporánea en inglés a estrenarse en su idioma original en el circuito de teatro independiente de Buenos Aires. Fue adaptada para la escena argentina por un grupo multicultural de artistas que tradujeron en forma colectiva el texto y, de esta manera, lo hicieron accesible a los públicos de habla inglesa y española.

About the playwright: Benjamin Kunkel is a founding editor of the literary magazine n+1 and a regular contributor to The New York Times, The New Yorker, and The London Review of Books. He is also the author of the award-winning novel Indecision, which was named a notable book of the year by The New York Times.

Sobre el autor: Benjamin Kunkel es editor fundador de la revista literaria n+1 y escribe regularmente para The New York Times, The New Yorker, y The London Review of Books. Además es autor de la premiada novela Indecision, catalogada como libro notable del año por The New York Times.

Sobre la directora
: Lian Walden es egresada de la Universidad de Yale donde recibió un título doble en dirección teatral y ciencias políticas. Como artista se encuentra abocada al trabajo de construir una intersección entre ambas disciplinas. Ha recibido becas en arte para realizar proyectos en Israel, España, Ghana, Estados Unidos y Argentina.

Tickets / Reservas: intruderstheplay@gmail.com
15-5403-8120 / 6327-0303

Performed in English with Spanish subtitles by an international cast / Presentada en inglés con subtítulos en español por un elenco multicultural

Friday, August 19, 2011

Welcome to the Intruders Play Blog!

Being involved in a theater production is a great experience so we've started this blog to give you a glimpse of what's going on behind the scenes. Over the course of the next few weeks, different members of the cast and crew of "Intruders" will be contributing their thoughts, feelings and experiences in the run up to the opening night (29 days, and counting).

Some of the cast and crew have been working together for almost a year so the play is already in pretty good shape but momentum has picked up in the last month with the start of marketing campagins, set and costume design, and the arrival of the final actress from the US. 

The cast are currently rehearsing a few times a week in a studio space in Caballito. Here are a few pics of them in action last weekend (minus two cast members). They did a speed read through and rehearsed a few scenes. For the most part, the actors are now all off book.

Meet David, our lead actor who plays Tom:

 This is Lian (right), Director extraordinaire and lead actress playing Sasha, and Luisina (left) who plays College Girl. 

As you can probably gather from the photos, our lead female character Sasha is expecting. We've been getting creative and experimenting with different fake pregnant bellies crafted from pantyhose, cotton stuffing and Saran wrap but more on that later from the costume designer...

Feel free to leave us your comments and thoughts and be sure to check back regularly!  

Photos by: Meghan Stone  (www.flickr.com/photos/17651437@N05/)
Email: meghanlstone@gmail.com

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Intruders" play blog now online!

"Intruders" is the only English-language play to premiere in its original language in Buenos Aires’ independent theater circuit, and will be performed with Spanish subtitles by an international company of bilingual artists from Argentina, the US, and the Dominican Republic, led by actress-director Lian Walden. The play is written by renowned US playwright Benjamin Kunkel. “Intruders” will run from September 17 until mid December with performances every Saturday night at Teatro La Tertulia.